Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Now smarter than before

I was asked last night if I was ever going to start blogging again. I think I have been waiting for inspiration to strike. The bad news, inspiration hasn't so much as flicked me. Nothing. Nada. Not even a little tickle. Truth be told, life has been a little busy.

Since I last posted, I started med school. Already I have had three tests and I have another today at noon. It's amazing how much knowledge has been crammed into my head in just a short month. Am I smarter? Hard to say. But I do know a lot more than I did a month ago. Even though it's the hardest challenge I have ever tackled in my life, I enjoy it.

I spend most of my free time studying. But this past weekend, I had time to relax a little. I had time to process life up to this point. It was good to unwind and clear my muddled head. And so, after a month long hiatus, I think I finally feel ready to post again.

1 comment:

Shaun Palmer said...

Get back to studying.