Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sometimes you just have to face the music

I am nerdier than 74% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

So I just took a "How much of a nerd are you?" test. It was a pretty fun little test and if you click on the nerd score above, you can see for yourself. I heard about the test from my father-in-law, who is a self proclaimed nerd. I scored higher than he did. This is not good news to me.

On to other news, I promised to keep up the food analogies for the inside of the human body which I'm disecting for class. Today's two analogies are corn and chicken. These are two good foods that most people I know seem to enjoy. I'm going to do my best to ruin them for you. As the disection has progressed up the leg, the fat globules have grown larger. Now they resemble large, squishy yellow corn kernels. Yummy. While digging down below the skin, I stumbled upon the muscle layer in the arm. It definitely looks a lot like chicken. 'Nuff said.

As I look at my post, I can see that maybe my fascination with the internal working of the human body may contribute to my nerdiness. Oh well. At least I don't wear glasses... oh...never mind.


The Mister said...

Well, I am less nerdy that I was, because I am married. And I have been married longer than you. So there is hope.

AlyssaRisa said...

So, this is totally random for me to leave you a comment..... I was bored on Facebook and found myself clicking on your website link. Anyway, I just had to tell you that I am insanely jealous of your human dissection class. I know that my own “fascination with the internal working of the human body” has absolutely contributed to my nerd factor.
~Alyssa D’Acosta

I'm nerdier than 65% of the population.