Monday, September 19, 2005

The tank is half empty

As I sit here looking at my weekly schedule, it seems pretty full. Between classes, meetings and events I can usually count on being busy from 9 - 6 every day. Some days it isn't that bad, and some days it is worse. The good news is that my week isn't usually very intense, just busy. What makes the week long though is that I don't have church to look forward to at the end of the week.

Jamie and I still haven't found a church to call home yet. We were semi going to Open Door Fellowship and we may still end up there, but I have to believe that there is something better out there on this side of town. I really liked the pastor there, John Lynch, but there was something about the rest of the service that wasn't right. I don't quite have a handle on what is wrong, but I have a bad feeling about it. And then yesterday Jamie and I went to North Phoenix Baptist. Wow. That's a big church. Too big. Also, the whole service seemed like a performance rather than worship of God. The people up front were there to entertain and keep us occupied for the hour and a half that we "had" to be there. There were other problems, but in a nutshell, we won't be going back.

Pray for us that we would find a church. Jamie and I are both very active in leadership on campus at GCU and are constantly pouring ourselves into others. But you can't pour into other people if nobody is pouring into you. Jamie has some older, mature Christian women on campus who are pouring into her, but I have no one. I am the old guy on campus. Pray for me.

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