Monday, November 07, 2005

The Quickening

We have a hall event at GCU every two weeks that Matt and I call "the Quickening". At first it was a veiled attempt to get points for our hall in the school-wide competition. But now it has become something more. Somehow God was able to take it from just another thing we do, to something we look forward to and something that brings us together. It has helped to unite our guys and make us a hall of brothers. Quickening means to enliven or give life. I think that is what is beginning to happen with the hall. So the name seems to fit.

We do the Quickening every other Friday night. The first time we did pizza, a movie, and watched the GCU soccer games. It was fun, but nothing extraordinary. But afterwards was when it all began. I was just getting ready to go to bed when one of the guys came running down to my room. "Ben, Ben you gotta see this!" He prodded me out the door and took off running. I chased after him in just my jeans. When we came to the corner room he threw open the door, and ushered me in. I could hear the faint pulse of techno music in the other room. Two of the other guys from the hall were also in there, just standing there looking at me.

"Watch this." He said and then flipped off the lights. The music got louder and all three guys pulled out glow sticks. "We're having a rave!!!" They shouted. They threw me a pair of glow sticks and we just started to dance. It was amazing. Four very heterosexual guys dancing in the dark with glow sticks for 3 hours straight. I would never have believed it.

And the rest is history. We have started having a rave every other Friday night in one of the open rooms in the hall. Matt and I bought two black lights and a fog machine. We have a DJ and very loud speakers. And we dance 'till campus security makes us turn the music off. A new era is beginning at GCU.

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