Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Pay attention class

For those of you interested in photojournalism, listen up. Today I have the extreme honor of being able to present you with this amazing piece of storytelling using pictures. The pictures in this article are worth a thousand words, each. They don't help tell the story, they tell the story. Without them, this would just be another boring piece of work. So pay attention, you might just learn something.

I decided to cleaned my room on Sunday.

The two pictures above show how my room used to be. My bed was raised up pretty high on cinder blocks and a desk. My two chairs faced the TV over by my clothes and the sink. As you can tell, it was a little messy. I didn't feel like it was a productive environment, so I decided to switch things up.

First off, I moved everything from my bed-side of the room into the living room. And I moved my desk out completely.

Next I moved the TV over to the corner by the window where my desk used to be. With the TV out of the way, I could then start to move my bed over where the TV used to be.

This required that more stuff be moved into the living room.
Then I cleaned out the area under my bed. It was very scary. I found this humongous spider under there, but it ran off. So now it is roaming free in my bedroom, probably waiting for me to go to sleep so it can suck my guts out and eat me. But I digress...

Next, I finalized up the TV area and organized my movies. It's pretty spectacular, I know. Then I finished up the bed.

The bed is still on cinder blocks, but it is no longer as high up. Also, I put the two desks together in the shape of an L across from my bed so now I have my own little office. Yay me. I am already feeling a million times more productive and my room has stayed clean for three days now.

And that is how photojournalism is done. Take that! all you doubting Thomases out there. Anyway, today promises to be more exciting than yesterday. Wahoo. Look out world, here I come.

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